Auto News

Smart or Not Smart?: This Man Has Been Driving For Over 50 Years Without A Vehicle License Until He Was Caught

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A 69-year-old man was caught by security authorities for driving over 50 years without any vehicle license or even learning how to drive.

An image showing an old man driving a car.

The information was shared on BBC News as it revealed that when the UK authorities caught the 69-year-old man, his Hyundai car was seized immediately and the man was accused of various offenses.

Interestingly, the man was not caught because of a traffic violation as he’s mastered the art of driving. The 69-year-old driver happens to have car insurance without a license, as he bragged about it to the police.

Do Nigerians Drive Without Vehicle License?

Stories of people driving over years without a vehicle license are rampant in Nigeria. Most of these people drive through rural and urban roads without getting caught by the police and those who do pay bribes to get away.

In Nigeria, there’s a huge number of people who even started driving without learning about driving. Rather, they got into their vehicle and started with practice. However, it’s interesting to learn that even in developed countries, people manage to drive for years without owning a license. Nigerians are definitely not alone in this one.

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