Why Are Car Repairs More Expensive During Rainy Seasons?

Why Are Car Repairs More Expensive During Rainy Seasons

Why Are Car Repairs More Expensive During Rainy Seasons

The rainy season is usually the most challenging time for car owners and drivers in Nigeria. When it rains heavily, cars will have to jump into areas where water will damage some parts of their cars. It’s never an easy process being a car owner during the rainy season. 

With the constant spoiling of cars, drivers have no other choice but to repair their cars constantly. But, why do the prices of auto parts get more expensive during this time? In this article, we share some of the main reasons why car parts and repairs are more expensive during this time. 

  1. Increased Demand

There’s nothing Nigerian dealers enjoy more than taking advantage of situations. Rainy reason is one of those times for auto parts dealers. Because of increased demand, most dealers hike the price to capitalize on it.

Another reason is that due to increased demand, most dealers hike their prices to sell the limited parts they have at a higher rate. 

  1. Out Of Stock Or Limited Stock Options

During this time, most auto parts are usually limited or out of stock. It’s always hard for drivers to find their desired car parts during this time. 

The out-of-stock or limited stock option affects newer model cars with limited spare parts in the market. Car mechanics also take advantage of this to increase their prices. 

  1. Cases Of Accidents

The rainy season is a tricky and dangerous time to be on the road constantly. There’s no telling the drivers the experiences they will have on the way. Very often, drivers get into accidents that’d have been prevented during the dry season.

Most of these accidents are fatal and leave the car wholly damaged. Fixing such damaged vehicles will then require a lot of money. 

  1. Use Of Special Repair Tools

Car repairs during the rainy season require special repair tools like waterproof cover and anti-rust spray. Since this equipment is not cheap, they drive up the car’s repair cost. 

How To Reduce Auto Repairs & Car Expenses During Rainy Season

As the rainy season period has arrived, it means that drivers will be spending a lot more on car expenses. But, the exciting thing is that car owners can reduce the excessive expenses that come with rainy season car repairs. To reduce these costs, here are helpful tips to follow;

  1. Do Your Car Routine Check & Maintenance Services On Time

To avoid constant repairs during the peak of the rainy season, you must carry out a routine check and maintenance service on your car early. Schedule an appointment with your trusted auto mechanic. It will save you high costs during the peak of the season.

  1. Reduce Car Usage During This Time

This only works well for private car users since they only have to use their cars once in a while. Reducing the rate you use your cars will reduce the chances of it spoiling during this time.

If you own a commercial vehicle, you can also reduce the length of time it should be on the road until the season goes away. 

  1. Get A Car Insurance

Car insurance is essential, and you’ll realize that when it covers your car repair cost during the rainy season. With your car insurance, you don’t have to worry about the cost of repair because your insurance covers the cost.

  1. Buy Spare Car Parts In Advance 

For most people who know the parts of their cars that quickly get spoiled, they buy the spare parts in case of necessity. When you keep spare parts in preparation for what could come with the season, it reduces the cost of repair during the rainy season. 

  1. Avoid Late Night Journey

Late-night journeys during the rainy season are tricky. It is because car damage and accidents are greater during this time. The best way to avoid such scenarios and expensive repairs is to limit night travel during this time. 


Car repairs and car parts are costly during this time, but you can limit the chances of spending so much on car repair if you follow these recommended tips. 

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