Normally, you will know that majority of Nigerians who own a Toyota Camry or Corolla find it easy to take their car to a roadside mechanic for repair. This is due to the fact that they usually feel no need to patronise standard automobile workshops for such a common car model. However, there are some car brands or models like supercars that come with struggles in Nigeria, even some common cars actually require standard auto workshops to maintain them in Nigeria. This article will be highlighting the list of cars that Nigerian Mechanics hate and the reasons.
List Of Cars Nigerian Mechanics Hate To Fix And Reasons
Before you buy any of the car models or brands listed below, prepare your mind not to patronise just any roadside mechanic because they would probably not be well-informed about your car. Not that these models or brands are bad but the roadside mechanics usually lack knowledge of these cars, and that is why they hate them.
BMW Cars:
The BMW model is the most hated car in Nigeria even amongst the mechanics but the surprising thing is that actual BMW mechanics love working on BMWs. BMWs have been tagged as one of the most unreliable cars in Nigeria because many mechanics avoid working on them which is why it spends so long at repair shops. One thing about BMWs that these mechanics hate is how you have to perfectly repair a BMW before it can go back to normal.
A mechanic can partially fix a Toyota Corolla for example and the car would look okay for a period of time. An example of this would be the check engine light on a Corolla but if you try this with a BMW, the car would show every symptom just before it even leaves the mechanic workshop. If you ever decide to purchase and own a BMW in Nigeria, just know it is not going to be easy and you have to make sure you give it to a BMW specialist to fix any issue for you or else you might fall into big trouble. Not only will the roadside mechanics hate your car, but they also have every tendency of ruining it as well and making things worse.
About 80% of the roadside mechanics in Nigeria do not like cars that require patience to diagnose and repair. Range Rover cars are very sensitive cars that need plenty of care and attention while fixing. Most mechanics do not like to repair this car because it is time-consuming and has too many electrical problems. Electrical problems are not fixed by these mechanics, they have to call a wiring technician. Any mistake can lead to the damage of an electrical component which means a bigger loss for the mechanic when this happens.
AUDI Cars:
Nigerian mechanics will run at the sight of any Audi car in their repair shop just because of one reason. It is a very high-tech car that also requires premium fuel for most of its common models. Unfortunately, modern car repair equipment is very scarce in Nigerian and it is also not easy to get premium fuel in the country. With this, we can easily assume that most Audi cars in Nigerian roadside mechanic shops are already running on bad fuel which makes their repairs very complex. Audi models require authentic parts and a diagnosis routine before any repair is carried out. Audi specialist mechanics were available in Nigeria back in the days, but it is obvious that they did not evolve to learn the tech of the newer car models.
Volkswagens used to be the favourite car of every Nigerian roadside mechanic. Back in the days of the Volkswagen Golf 1, Golf 2 and Volkswagen Santana. The drive train was easy to fix back then. From 2005, when Volkswagen started making turbo-powered engines and complex electrical systems for their cars, Nigerian mechanics have developed a special hatred for Volkswagen cars.
Newer Volkswagen cars take a very long time to diagnose because of the presence of electrical components in a lot of places around the car. Even well seasoned Nigerian automobile technicians find it tough to fix Volkswagen Drive train issues. This is why it is best to buy Volkswagen cars as brand-new or very low mileage foreign used.
Jaguar cars are the number one nightmare of most Nigerian mechanics that fix regular cars for a living. Jaguar is a British product, which means a lot of electrical components just like in Range Rovers and mini-coopers.
Faulty Supercars can not even be in any of these mechanic workshops because of their ride height. The extremely low ride height of supercars usually makes them very difficult to even drive to the locations where most mechanic shops are in Nigeria. So, it is very obvious that a supercar owner in Nigeria should not even think of taking it to a roadside mechanic and even if the owner tries it; the mechanics will also never accept the car from the person because Supercars have a very different type of setup meant for premium road performance.
There are many Mercedes-Benz cars in Nigeria but this does not dispute the fact that a lot of mechanics avoid fixing these cars. That is why we have mechanics specifically for Mercedes-Benz cars in Nigeria. When you take a Benz to a regular Nigerian mechanic and leave for your house, the man or woman will just call their own Mercedes-Benz specialist mechanic to resolve the issue for them. It is one reason why you might end up getting charged more than usual because both the supporting mechanic and your mechanic have to get paid for the job. Mercedes-Benz cars are simply high-tech cars that require a lot of technical and up-to-date knowledge to fix.
FORD Cars:
Ford vehicles are great to have in Nigeria but roadside mechanics often find it hard to source for their spare parts. This causes many Nigerian mechanics to have a headache repairing Ford cars and hence hate them generally. Ford cars are made in America which makes it kind of pointless for aftermarket companies based in Asia to make their spare parts. This is a clear contrast to other brands like Toyota, Honda, Kia and Mercedes-Benz. So, if you are buying a recent year Ford car, be ready to spend when it is time to buy parts because you would have to be shipping it in from abroad.
All these cars listed above require well-seasoned automobile technicians to work on them because their systems are not as simple as some other models. You can buy these cars in Nigeria but have it at the back of your mind that when you need to go for a fix, you need trusted hands.