Driving is fun but not when your car is smoking, as this causes pollution both to humans and the environment. A vehicle in a good state doesn’t produce much smoke
What causes a car to smoke?
There are a number of factors that can make a car smoke, such as coolant entering the combustion chamber, a cracked engine block or cylinder head, or a leaking head gasket, oil getting into the combustion chamber. Which can be attributed to oil sneaking past the piston rings, or seeping past the valve stem seals. Never mind all the technical long story, it takes just a little time to fix it up.
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Different colors of smoke can mean that different areas of the vehicle are in distress. Here’s what you need to know if you witness white smoke, black smoke, burning smell coming from your car, or if it is simply steam from a hot engine on a cold day.
What does BLUE smoke from my exhaust mean?
If your car is blowing blue smoke, it’s a clear sign that the engine is burning oil. What happens is that the valve guide seals or piston rings are worn out, and oil is leaking past from where it should be lubricating the moving parts, to the combustion chamber where it’s being burned up with the fuel. A car can also produce a blue smoke of it’s that’s if the car is turbocharged; the smoke being a sign that the blower is in need of rebuilding or replacement.
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If you notice your car producing blue smoke, Clean the drain back holes carefully and recheck and reassemble them. After the mending job, wait for 2 or 4 more days for the remaining oils to clean away. Replacing Valve seals is not too hard and can be done at home by someone who can work on engines comfortably. Changing the valve seals is dependent on whether the Engine has an Overhead Cam or not. If your Engine has an Overhead Cam, it will require more work as we need to remove it to access the Valve Stem.
What causes a car to smoke black color
Black exhaust doesn’t always indicate impending doom. If your car emits a little black smoke at start-up, but it clears up as the engine warms to operating temperature, don’t worry – that’s normal for some cars. If it continues after the car warms up, there’s cause for concern. If that’s the case, here are the likely culprits:
Black exhaust smoke can appear when the vehicle is burning too much fuel. This could be caused by a clogged air filter, malfunctioning fuel injection system, a blocked manifold, or a variety of other issues.
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The remedy is simple: replace the filter.
If the problem persists, it’s an indication that your vehicle’s air-to-fuel ratio is askew – specifically, it is burning too rich or more fuel than air. Two of the most common reasons for this are a malfunctioning fuel pressure regulator or leaky or clogged fuel injectors.
Why does a car produce persistent thick milk / gray smoke
A steady stream of thick white/gray exhaust smoke coming from your tailpipe could mean there’s a leaking head gasket. “In this case,” automotive writer Paul Brand explains, “the coolant would end up being heated in the combustion chambers and blown out the exhaust as the engine starts.” A coolant leak in the summer could easily lead to an overheated engine, and an overheated engine could leave you stranded on the side of the road.
If your exhaust is sending up smoke signals, play it safe and visit the professionals.
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Don’t ignore a smoking car, as the problem could become far worse. Even a small leak in the coolant can lead to overheating and serious risk of damage to the engine. A coolant leak can also mix with oil and cause serious headaches for you and your car.
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An STP’s Smoke Treatment or STOP No Smoke/No Leak can also help in fixing smoke issues If you are unsure of what is best for your car, just ask the sales associates for a “smoke fix oil additive”, remove the oil cap off the top of your motor, and pour in the smoke fix treatment. Check the manual for instructions.