“The Biggest Car Theft In Human History”: How North Korea Never Paid For The 1,000 Volvos They Bought From Sweden

How North Korea Never Paid For The 1,000 Volvos They Bought From Sweden

How North Korea Never Paid For The 1,000 Volvos They Bought From Sweden

In the 1970s, North Korea committed what has now been marked as the biggest car theft in the world. It is reported that the country bought over 1,000 Volvos from Sweden, and to date, the country has yet to make payment for the vehicles.

Reports note that to date, the Swedish government continues to send twice yearly invoices to Pyongyang (the capital city of North Korea) £200,000,000. Over the years, the bill for the 1,000 Volvos has increased due to interest and inflation.

For over 50 years now, North Korea owns the Swedish government over three Billion Swedish kronor and has not made any payment attempts to date.

Here are some social media reactions to the post:

@magalyhey commented: “This is all Sweden’s fault. I’ve never gotten something shipped before submitting payment.”

@PureWaterBlue said: “This is why national debt is ridiculous. Unless you got to war, you’re never gonna see that money back.”

@miss_reb said: “And every one of those Volvos are still on the road!”

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