Know How To Drive Through Flood-Damaged Roads With These Steps

Know How To Drive Through Flood-Damaged Roads With These Steps

Know How To Drive Through Flood-Damaged Roads With These Steps

Your safety is jeopardised, as is the condition of your vehicle when you drive through flooded roads, but with the current condition in some areas of the country, it can’t be avoided. Every season in Nigeria comes with its own set of challenges. During the dry season, Nigerians are continually cautious of extra dirt in an effort to make their automobile seem like they have not washed it for months, and the thickness of the dirt serves to blind your view whilst driving. 

The rainy season, on the other hand, will provide you with alleviation from such dirt. However, worrisome troubles are ahead. Flooding is an unusual feature of the rainy season all over the world. So, be relaxed and confident that it is now no longer the handiest in Nigeria. But the venture in Nigeria throughout the wet season is the poorly built avenue with a dependable drainage system. This makes using it in those situations more difficult.

Don’t worry, we can let you know how you can thoroughly pressure through flooded roads in Nigeria without incurring a lot of harm to your automobile.

Simple suggestions on using flooded roads in Nigeria

Before we get into suggestions for driving on flooded roads, we always recommend that you take a chance because exposing your vehicle to flooding can break a few important additives such as the piston, electric circuit, connecting rods, and other critical elements of your vehicle. But in case you can not keep away from this flooded avenue, observe the steps below;

  1. You can apply hand pressure via a flooded avenue if you have a clue about how deep it’s flooded. Take a walk and spot different automobiles crossing or, in all likelihood, pedestrians looking to move over. This will provide you with a touch on whether or not to pressure through or, in all likelihood, flip back. After all, you can’t be prosecuted for missing a day of work.
  1. You want to be calm whilst using a floodgate. This implies using it slowly over the water. Do not be too tense to hurry out of the flood. Driving rapids right into a flood will incur severe damage to your engine.
  1. Do not endanger your life or the lives of other occupants of your vehicle by driving through a flooded street with a fallen electric-powered pole or anything else that could electrocute you the instant you drive your automobile through.
  1. One bizarre aspect of the Nigerian flood is the deposit of dust and all kinds of matter that waft in the water. Avoid getting trapped among those items. Doing so can dent your car’s past recognition.
  1. Starting your automobile stalls or stops whilst using via the flood. Restarting it is probably difficult for your automobile, but it appears to be your handiest option. Doing so is a threat you could want to take, though.
  1. When you fail to restart your engine even in growing water or a very robust flood, it’s far worse that you’re taking a chance on searching and testing for better ground. With this approach, you would possibly want to desert that automobile for your protection. Life clearly is more valuable than an acquisition such as your car.
  1. Many drivers do it, but it’s far from a totally terrible addiction to splash pedestrians with grimy water with the aid of using flooded roads.
  1. You may be looking for various automobiles, primarily heavy vehicles or better automobiles such as SUVs, that may entice you in the flood via waves caused by going for walks in the flooded avenue.
  1. Do not act like an island any longer. When you believe you are trapped inside the flood, go looking for help, preferably from humans, on higher or more secure ground.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are common problems with flooded cars?

A flood-damaged car comes with a variety of problems, including foul odours, rust, odd noises, engine smoke, and electronic damage. If you are shopping for a used car, a vehicle history report will show any reported flood damage. Flooded cars may also be declared a total loss due to the extent of the damage and the costly nature of the repairs. If a flood-damaged car has been declared a total loss and issued a salvage title, it may be challenging or more costly to insure in the future.

What are the symptoms of a flood-damaged car?

A flood-damaged car will often show many signs of water damage, including unusual odours, discoloured interior, rust, moisture, smoke e.t.c. 


When correctly pushed along a flooded road, you want to check your automobile brake with the aid of using it even while riding at a low pace on a dry road. To dry it off, use your left foot to gently press the brake pedal even as you accelerate with your right foot.

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