As the Nigerian economy and employment state worsens, many Nigerians are seeking other means to earn money and make a decent living. The so-called ‘white-collar jobs’ can’t suffice for the teeming mass of unemployed youths and graduates. Nigerians now seek other ‘seemingly lesser’ means to make money. One such means is to become a driver with Lagos Ride.
Lagos Ride is a mobility solution particularly for Lagosians to enable them to share a ride with other passengers going in their direction. It is a comfortable and affordable means to save yourself the hassle of queuing and fighting for a cab as prevalent in Lagos. With Lagos Ride, you also get the privilege of becoming a driver. This way, you can even own a car and also earn some decent cash as well. In this article, Carmart Nigeria walks you through the steps and requirements of becoming a driver.
How To Become A Driver With Lagos Ride
There are three main steps in becoming a driver with Lagos Ride. These are:
- Register
- Get Verified
- Complete the required training.
Requirements To Become A Driver
What Lagos Ride requires from you to become a driver on their platform is easy and straightforward. The process has been broadly categorized into two stages which are:
- Pre-qualification
- Onboarding
During this stage, you will be required to provide accurate information in the registration form on the sign-up page. Here is the link to the form to signify interest in being a driver: Note that you must have a valid driver’s license.
You will also be required to pay a non-refundable fee of N17,000.00 will be paid to cover the following services:
- Verification of LASDRI ID (where available, if not we will help you procure one)
- Verification of LASRAA ID (where available, if not we will help you procure one)
- Medical history check
- Security check
- NIN verification
- Driver’s license verification
If you scale through the onboarding stage, congratulations to you. Now, you will proceed to the next stage which is onboarding. The onboarding phase requires that you go through a series of intense training which you must successfully pass through before you can become a driver on Lagos Ride. Here are the processes involved in the Onboarding stage:
- Structured training from LASDRI
- Soft skills training
- First Aid training
- Lagos Ride driver app training
Kudos to you if you successfully complete this stage. Successful candidates will get a car and a mobile phone assigned to them. After this, you will be required to pay the sum of N1,845,500.00. Now, this money is meant to cover some expenses which are to your benefit as a driver. They are:
- 20% equity of cost of vehicle
- Registration and Insurance
- Advance rent payment on Dashcam for a month
- First – Aid kit
- LASG E-Taxi license
- Soft skill training
Important Facts You Need To Know As A Driver With Lagos Ride
- The vehicle assigned to you after your successful onboarding remains the property of Ibile Holdings till you complete your debt service (more details on debt service below).
- Title and ownership will only be completely transferred to you upon complete payment of all outstanding obligations.
- Drivers are required to service debt using their daily fares for the first two years, after this, you can pay down your debt and get out of the obligation, no outright payment shall be honoured in the first 2 years of being in possession of this asset.
- Lagos Ride will carry out maintenance and all insurance considerations on your behalf.
- Drivers with Lagos Ride are required to comply with all maintenance service schedules or calls for maintenance. There is a penalty for non-compliance.
- For your own good, it is required that you log in all maintenance requests or complaints about the vehicle in your possession in the maintenance module in your mobile app.
- Any cost or damage incurred from taking the vehicle to an unauthorized service centre or without prior notice shall be borne by you.
- Insurance considerations cover the following:
Comprehensive insurance
Protection against accident, disability and/or loss of life.
Health insurance for you and your immediate family.
- A pension scheme and a defined contribution scheme are also in place.
As a driver with Lagos Ride, you stand a chance to own the car assigned to you. However, you need to complete payment for this car before you can claim full ownership. You can complete the cost of this car via debt servicing on Lagos Ride.
The mandatory debt service costs N8,709 which accounts for:
Asset re-payment | 7079.42 NGN |
Mobile-Phone repayment | 629.81 NGN |
Mobile-Phone repayment | 1000.00 NGN |
Total: | 8709.23 NGN |
In addition, a service charge of 25% will be deducted from each fare trip comprising Tech co (17%), Re-fleeting (1.5%), Asset co (1.5%), Communications (1%), and Maintenance & Insurance (4%).
Important Things To Note About Payments And Deductions As A Driver With Lagos Ride
- All deductions shall be made according to the table shown above.
- Your account will show your cumulative net earnings at the end of each day
- For now, disbursements are made available to drivers twice a week: on Mondays and Thursdays
- Drivers are responsible for fuelling your car from your net earnings.
Contact Details Of LagosRide
If you need any support or queries, you can easily contact Lagos Ride via this address:
- Address: House 62, Kajola, 64 Campbell St, Lagos state
- Contact: 01-3438161
- Email:
Who owns Lagos ride?
What is Lagride?
How do I become a Lagos driver?
How many cars are on Lagos roads?
Becoming a driver with Lagos Ride does not only give you the means to earn cool money, but you can also own a car after a short while.