How to Book LagosRide For Friends

How to Book LagRide For Friends

As the Nigerian economy and employment state worsen, many Nigerians are seeking other means to earn money and make a decent living. The so-called ‘white-collar jobs’ can’t suffice for the teeming mass of unemployed youths and graduates. Nigerians now seek other ‘seemingly lesser’ means to make money. One such means is to become a driver with Lagos Ride.

To avoid the hassle of splitting bills after sharing a ride with your friends, you can make a trip request and invite your friends to join the trip. At the end of the trip, the app will split the cost of the fee. This is only available for classes B, C and D.

Note – To use this feature you and your co-riders must be in the same location and drop-off destination not more than 1km apart.

Share a “ride”

At the end of the trip, the app splits the cost of the trip with you and your friends. This is a cheaper way of commuting.


Accept a “ride” invite

How it works

At the end of the trip, the app splits the cost of the trip with you and your friends.


Reject a ride invite

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