There are some situations whereby you would have to move your car during situations when you need to move long distances. Sometimes your plans may not go as planned because you may not be able to meet your vehicle as soon as it arrives. Therefore, you ask the question if you have to be present when your car has been shipped.
Luckily for you, most vehicle transport companies understand that things like these can come up. For this reason, there are a couple of options available to you in these types of circumstances.
First Option: Choose A Delegate To Be Your Personal Agent
The driver that is transporting your vehicle should call you within 12 to 24 hours of the delivery of your vehicle to the other country. The time frame should give you enough time to get to the destination you are having it delivered to, but in some circumstances, you may not be able to. If this is the case, you can delegate someone you trust to be your personal agent that will be there in time for the delivery of your vehicle.
Who Can You Choose To Be Your Delegate?
First of all and most importantly, when choosing someone to be present in your place when your vehicle is arriving from transport, try to limit it to someone you trust. It could be a family member or close friend which would be a good choice in cases like this.
Your delegate is going to be the one to inspect your vehicle upon delivery and sign the Bill of Lading after the inspection is complete. This person will also need to have any cash on delivery (COD) that is owed to the shipping company at delivery.
What Is A Bill Of Landing?
The bill of landing is an important document between you and the car transport company which plays a distinct role in the shipment of your car.
What Are The Things My Delegate Will Need To Do Upon Delivery?
The person that you list on the Bill of Lading is your delegate if you cannot be there for the delivery of your vehicle. When you name this person, they are going to know you cannot be there. The delegate will be required to do the same inspections and sign off on the Bill of Lading after delivery is final. If your representative does not see any new damage, they sign off on the Bill of Lading as is, and it is just the same as if you signed it.
Some of the things your representative needs to do before signing the Bill of Lading are:
- Take pictures of the inside and outside of the vehicle to ensure that no damage occurred since the beginning of the trip. You should make sure that your representative has these pictures so that they can compare it. They will want to take photos of damage from the same angle as the original picture. These photos can help in any claim process.
- The delegate should take care in checking glass surfaces for cracks, the doors, wiper blades, and the paint job. The paint job could become compromised during long trips in excessive heat.
- Also, the mileage should be checked to ensure that it is accurate against the Bill of Landing.
After all of these inspections are completed, your representative can take possession of your car and sign the Bill of Lading. At that point, your car shipment is done.
Second Option: Using Terminal Drop-Off
In circumstances where you cannot get a representative to be there for the delivery of your vehicle and you cannot make it there personally, you can speak with the driver about a possible terminal drop-off.
Many larger cities have car shipping terminals available for use, and it may be an option for delivery if you are not able to make it in time for the drop-off. Due to the last-minute change in plans, you may be required to pay an extra fee for using a terminal instead of the original door-to-door drop-off as planned.
What Exactly Is Terminal-To-Terminal Shipping?
There are some auto-shipping customers that opt for a terminal-to-terminal shipment of their vehicles from the very start. In these types of shipments, the customer will take their car to a terminal. These terminals are like a shipping hubs, but majorly for vehicles.
The disadvantage to a terminal-to-terminal shipment is that the carrier usually waits until they have enough vehicles to fill the truck before transporting any from the terminal. In most situations, terminal-to-terminal is not usually the quickest solution for overseas auto transport.
How To Choose Terminal-To-Terminal Shipping
Most people who choose terminal-to-terminal shipping are the ones who live in areas where door-to-door delivery may not be possible. Cars are transported on large semis, and it is not always possible for the drivers to get to every place they need to due to their size, terminal-to-terminal is an option for this predicament. If you are travelling or are not going to be able to meet up with your delivery time, you can have your car taken to a terminal, and it will be waiting for you to pick it up.
How Do I Pick Up My Vehicle At A Terminal-To-Terminal Station?
When a transport driver leaves your vehicle for pickup at a terminal, you will find that they leave all necessary paperwork from your transport as well as the key to your car with an attendant. The attendant will have the duty of keeping your items safe until you are able to retrieve them.
You should keep in mind that a terminal is like a car storage facility. You will be required to pay extra fees for the services that they are providing you. You will likely have to pay more to your shipping company to have to change the delivery destination of your car.