8 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Apply For A Car Loan

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When we mention “auto loan questions,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? These do not pertain to inquiries that you have to make to the car dealer or the organization providing the vehicle’s financing. Instead, when we say “auto loan questions,” we mean genuine, introspective inquiries you should make of yourself before submitting a loan application.

Do you ever wonder why you must ask these questions of yourself? It’s easy: Knowing the answers to these questions will help you decide if you should actually apply for a car loan or put it off until later. Look at some of the following questions: 

  1. Is this car really what I need?

Do you actually need the car, or are you just buying it because your friends and coworkers drive? How can you tell whether there is a real need? Let us assist you by posing some straightforward queries:

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  1. Have I got a Reliable Source of Income?

You should not own a car, much less take out a car loan, if you do not have a job or a business that provides you with a source of income. Buying an automobile is, in fact, one thing. Another thing is to make sure it is properly maintained and fueled.

There are some costs associated with owning a car for which you are totally liable. You will be able to pay back the auto loan over time if you have a consistent source of income. The query is still, “Do you have a reliable source of income?”

  1. Can the car help me make money?

Is it possible to have a vehicle that aids in your revenue generation while you pay off the loan used to purchase the vehicle? Yes, it is the answer. Having a car does not entail that you only use it to get to and from work. There are several ways your car might aid in your money generation. The one that is most common in Lagos is to register as a driver on a taxi-hailing app.

Even though you don’t necessarily need to do this to pay off your auto loan, doing so makes the process simpler, especially if your finances are tight. If that’s what you’d like, you could even use your car to operate an independent taxi service. While you’re at work, you might potentially hire out your automobile. When it comes to using your car to make money, you have a variety of alternatives. 

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  1. Am I Still Able to Afford My Rent?

Do you still have enough money after paying your auto loan’s monthly instalments to cover your essential needs? You must take your living situation into account when developing your vehicle loan strategy. Feel free to move forward if your auto loan or rent obligations do not interfere.

We advise you to reevaluate the issue if your rent appears to be at risk when you create your monthly budget. However, if you own your own home, you won’t have to worry about paying rent and can concentrate on taking out a vehicle loan to buy your car. 

  1. If I lose my job, do I have a backup plan?

You likely already understand the significance of your monthly salary if you are a salary earner who works a standard 9–5 schedule. Your application for a car loan will either be given careful consideration or will be flatly denied, depending on the strength of your salary. Although it’s unlikely that you’ll lose your job, you should constantly prepare for the unexpected.

  1. Which Car Do I Actually Need?

It’s like going on a nighttime search without a flashlight or a target in mind to try to get a car loan without having a car in mind. This is not how things operate. To determine the type of car that best meets your lifestyle and current demands, you need to conduct a study. The ideal car should serve its purpose and not just be something you buy to brag about to your friends and acquaintances. Make a list of low-maintenance vehicles and choose the one that appeals to you the most.

  1. How well-versed am I in car maintenance?

Just as crucial as purchasing an automobile is having a strong maintenance culture. Your car will probably spend more time in the shop than it does driving if there is a poor maintenance culture. The longevity of your car is significantly influenced by how you maintain it. Do you really want to invest in a vehicle you won’t be able to maintain, or are you willing to make an effort to improve your knowledge and abilities in this area? 

  1. How fanciful is the repayment strategy?

Can you afford the demands of a car loan payback schedule on your monthly spending? Taking out a car loan in Nigeria if you make N60,000 might not be a smart move. The minimum monthly income required to qualify for a car loan is N150,000, say auto specialists. This allows you the freedom to create a repayment strategy without putting you in a tight spot.

Why Loans Are Harder To Get Now

 Lending has tightened

Whether you’re getting a mortgage, a personal loan, or an auto loan, lenders can opt to tighten their standards and requirements as they see fit. These days, many experts are warning of an impending economic recession, so some auto lenders may be more apt to proceed with caution. After all, the last thing a lender wants is to give out a loan that a borrower won’t be able to keep up with. 

Higher car prices are leading to higher down payment requirements

Vehicle prices have soared this year due to limited supply stemming from a major chip shortage.

That’s challenging enough in its own right, and it’s also been putting pressure on the used car market, making it harder for consumers needing a car to snag a deal.

But because car prices are higher, lenders are requiring larger down payments. And some people can’t afford to make them. If you’re in that boat, then you might struggle to get an auto loan.

Interest rates are higher

The Federal Reserve has been implementing interest rate hikes in an attempt to slow down the pace of inflation. As such, borrowing has gotten more expensive for consumers, not just within the realm of auto loans but also for other loan products, like home equity loans. 

Since interest rates are higher for auto loans, they’re making those loans more expensive. And that, in turn, is pushing some consumers into the category of not being able to afford the monthly payments that would come


You must be honest with yourself when responding to the questions above. You can acquire a good car without stress with the aid of a well-planned auto loan. Are you still interested in a car loan after answering these queries? Comment below and let us know.

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