6 Cars Mechanics Run Away From Fixing

6 Cars Mechanics Run Away From Fixing

We can assume that the majority of Nigerians who buy a Toyota Camry or Corolla often bring it to a roadside mechanic for repairs. This is because we generally believe that there is no need to patronize a standard auto repair shop for such a common car model. But have you ever thought how hard it is to own a supercar in Nigeria? Did you know that there are several cars makes and models? In fact, the bad habits of Nigerian street mechanics usually annoy people who own car models. 

Before purchasing any of the car models or brands listed below, be prepared to patronize roadside mechanics who are hated because of their lack of knowledge of these cars. It is important you know These cars, so as to not be left stranded. 


Nigerian mechanics often run as soon as they see an Audi in their workshop for one rationale. It is a high-tech vehicle that also demands premium fuel for most of its popular models. Unfortunately, modern auto repair hardware is scarce in Nigeria and it is not easy to obtain premium fuel in the country either. With that said, one can easily assume that most Audi cars in roadside repair shops in Nigeria are running on poor fuel, which makes their repairs very complicated. 

Audis requires genuine parts and diagnostic procedures prior to repair. Audi’s dedicated mechanics were attainable in Nigeria at the time but clearly, they didn’t evolve to emulate the technology of newer cars.


BMW is the most hated car in Nigeria, even among mechanics, but here’s a surprise: Real BMW mechanics love working with BMWs.

BMW has been cited as one of the least reliable cars in Nigeria. This is because even mechanics avoid fixing BMWs.

One thing about his BMW that these mechanics hate is that he needs to completely fix the BMW before he can get it back to normal. For example, a mechanic can partially repair a Toyota Corolla, and the car will look fine for a while. For example, Corolla’s engine check lamp, but if you try this on BMW, each symptom will appear just before.


Volkswagen was the car of choice for breakdown workers in Nigeria. If you go back to the days of the Volkswagen Golf 1, Golf 2 and Volkswagen Santana. Drivetrains were easy to fix back then.

Starting in 2005, when Volkswagen began producing turbocharged engines and complex electrical systems for its own cars, Nigerian mechanics developed a particular distaste for Volkswagen. Newer Volkswagen vehicles take longer to diagnose due to the many electrical components in the vehicle. Even experienced Nigerian auto technicians find it difficult to troubleshoot Volkswagen powertrain problems. Volkswagens are therefore best purchased as new or used foreign vehicles that have been barely driven.


Ford vehicles are great to get in Nigeria, but roadside mechanics often have trouble sourcing parts. This is one of the reasons why many Nigerian mechanics experience headaches while repairing Ford vehicles and generally dislike them.

Ford vehicles are made in America, so it makes no sense for an aftermarket company based in Asia to manufacture replacement parts. In contrast. If you’re buying the latest Ford vehicles, be prepared to splurge when buying parts, as parts have to be shipped from overseas.

Range Rover

80% of Nigerian auto mechanics dislike cars that require patience to diagnose and repair. Range Rover vehicles are very delicate vehicles and require careful attention. Mechanics don’t like repairing Range rovers because it is too time-consuming and has too many electrical issues. These mechanics will not fix your electrical problem, so you’ll need to contact a wiring technician. Mistakes can damage electrical components, which in this case means greater losses for the mechanic.


There are many Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Nigeria, but there is no denying the fact that many mechanics avoid repairing these vehicles. Therefore, there are specialist mechanics for Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Nigeria. increase.

In many cases, if you take your Benz to a regular Nigerian mechanic and drive it to your home, the man/woman will call a specialist Mercedes Benz mechanic to help you solve the problem. Both need to be paid for their work, which is one reason why you may be charged more than usual. Mercedes-Benz cars are just high-tech cars, and their repair requires a lot of technical knowledge and the latest knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why can’t I find car parts easily?

This is mostly due to their unpopularity in the market. For instance, Toyota parts are easily accessible but the same cannot be said for Ford cars, which are mainly manufacturers in America. These parts need to be shipped and, this can be very expensive to attain for most car parr sellers. 

How do I find a good mechanic to fix my car?

Most times, many car manufacturers have their service centres in many cities in Nigeria. For the best mechanic, it is best to visit these service centres around you. 


All the above cars should be worked on by an experienced auto technician as the system is not simple. You can easily buy these cars in Nigeria but if you need to look for repairs remember you need a reliable hand.

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