Well, floods are a very unpredictable phenomenon. Recently, there was an issue with flooding in Southern parts of the country, leaving many displaced and cars left abandoned. As a result, the roadways were inundated with water. In any case, how can a car be dried out if it floods and water gets inside? It might seem difficult, leaving the job to the mechanic to do, but you can do this yourself, read this blog to find out.
Table of Contents
Water Logging
First off, don’t panic; there are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t have to deal with any long-term consequences. Here are some tips on how to quickly dry out your wet car in three easy steps so you can get back behind the wheel.
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The car is parked on a gradient
Your first priority should be to remove as much water as possible from your car as soon as possible. If your floors have an inch or more of standing water, you should use a wet/dry vacuum to remove it. You should also take extra care to reach the areas between the seats, the centre console, and the armrests.
You can even park on a hill to guide the water to the lowest side and make it easier to collect. Some vehicles, like the Jeeps and SUVs, actually have floor drain plugs that can be removed in order to let water out. Other cars may have drain plugs, but they are frequently challenging to take off.
Use shop towels to blot any wetness that is still on the seats and carpets. It is always recommended to use cloth towels for this stage because they are significantly more absorbent than paper towels. Cloth towels reduce waste because they can be reused. Push the towels into the carpet and chairs firmly to absorb water that is below the surface layers.
Blow Drying the Car Interior
The chassis beneath your automobile, as well as any fabric or carpeting inside, will still feel damp to the touch, no matter how often you towel or vacuum the surfaces.
Ways In To Spot A Flood-Damaged Car
No matter how much you vacuum or towel the surfaces of your car, any fabric or carpeting inside, as well as the chassis below, will still feel damp to the touch. Set up a fan or blow dryer to blow across the interior of the automobile from side to side, across the flooring and seats, as a starting point. The more air that moves, the better.
For full air power, direct air under the seats using a plug-in leaf blower. Keep the car doors open and the fans running in your garage for at least a day. As a result, any moisture should be properly dried off.
These two techniques were, in fact, the fastest ways to dry your car. Additionally, you can leave the windows slightly ajar in the afternoon sun. This will let all the extra water evaporate, leaving your automobile completely dry.
It is important to note that even if your car has been damaged by flooding, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the car. Although more susceptible to severe damage, these cars can be repaired. It might cost a pretty penny, but it might be worth it in the end if you don’t have the money to buy a new one. What is most pertinent at the time is that you don’t allow the car to remain in the flood for a long time, which might lead to irreparable damage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the common problems with flooded cars?
What are the symptoms of a flood-damaged car?
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