This is the cheapest truck in the whole world. It is called the Chang Li Explorer, and Alibaba makes it in China the price is just $2,000, which is the equivalent of ₦1.4 million.
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One thing about ordering this truck you must know is that it’s not for the faint-hearted. The truck comes in a huge wooden box you must unpack yourself.
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Once you’ve loosened about 100 screws, you’ll get to see the car, and that’s just the beginning of the unboxing process.
After unboxing, you’ll have to start building the truck yourself. You’ll find a roof rack, bull bar, roll cage, side mirrors, and review mirror in the truck’s bed. You’ll need to connect each of them individually.
In some other good news, this world’s cheapest truck comes with some features you might not expect to find in it.
It has electric windows, a reverse camera, and a touch screen. It also comes with windscreen wipers already attached and air conditioning.
Not only does it have the air conditioning on the dash, but it also has air conditioning on the roof too.
Once you lift up the truck bed, you’ll see the batteries. Then to turn the batteries on, there’s a switch underneath the driver’s seat. One of the coolest features of the truck is the working hydraulic dump truck.

This feature alone catapults the Chang Li Explorer into its own class of pickup trucks.
Some of the specs of the Chang Li Explorer are:
- Range – less than 100km
- Horsepower – less than 100km
- Charge time is “slow,” taking 8-10 hours.
- Top speed _45km/h (28mph)
- 12-inch wheels with hydraulic disc brakes
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