In a recent video that surfaced online, a Brabus and a Bentley Bentayga were spotted as they left a church service in Lagos. Following these two luxury vehicles was a security detail with their armoured riffles.
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The Brabus takes the lead, the Bentley follows behind, and the Toyota Camry carrying its security detail, follows along.
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The video was posted on the Instagram page @carcontinent, and the account handler is wondering whether the Brabus is a real Brabus or just a kitted and lifted one.
Here are some of the social media reactions to the video:
@ciityboy001 commented: “Na people wey come worship God Drive comot so I don’t know what the rest of you came to do.”
@sir__tony_ said: “Like I’ve said in the previous post it’s kitted and lifted. But I don’t think it was done in naij.”
@coremotorsportss said: “Actually it’s lifted and also kitted…from the factory, the 463 comes with portal axles and spur gears, which the spur gear arms would be very visible from the front of the SUV, which is otherwise here…”
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