Toyota cars

Top Reasons Why The Toyota Hilux Remains Relevant In Nigeria Till Today 

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Few vehicles have a reputation for staying relevant for decades, but the Toyota Hilux certainly does. It has a particular cult-like following in Nigeria. While you cannot buy this pickup truck in places like the United States, it’s readily available in Nigeria, and the Nigerian wealthy class loves the vehicle a lot. Here are the three key reasons the Toyota Hilux has kept its reputation forever.

Is The Toyota Hilux Available In Nigeria.?

Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed toyota hilux toyota hilux
Toyota hilux toyota hilux

In countries like the United States of America, the Toyota Hilux is not available. What they have there is the Toyota Tacoma and the Toyota Tundra. However, the Toyota Hilux is readily available in Nigeria for purchase. It’s one of the most sought-after vehicles by the wealthy in Nigeria.

It serves as their functional vehicle—the one driven to meetings, sites, and other business and work engagements. It’s also often used as a government official vehicle for various agencies in Nigeria. If you are interested in buying the Toyota Hilux, there are various types and model years of the Hilux available on the Carmart website.

The Hilux Benefits From Toyota’s History Of Reliability

Now, no vehicle is perfect. But Toyota has a history of producing reliable models and the Hilux benefits from that. The Toyota Hilux is built with everything that the brand has learned over the years, which makes it a very reliable truck option to buy. 

One of the scores of the Toyota Hilux is that it is great for off-roading, making it a good vehicle for Nigerian roads. While the Hilux’s exterior might not be of standard compared to the Toyota Tundra and Tacoma, it is still a great truck with great strength and serves very well. 

  • This Pickup Truck Is A Simple Truck

The Toyota Hilux has remained fairly simple despite increasing regulations and users expecting the latest and greatest from their pickups. While users in other countries might not appreciate this about the Toyota Hilux, users in Nigeria do. Wealthy people in Nigeria love vehicles that do not always announce their wealth each time they are on a business trip, so the simplicity of the Toyota Hilux matches that vibe completely.  

Car reviewers at TopSpeed, Toyota plans to introduce an electric Hilux. But until that time, one of the most popular powertrains for this truck is a 2.8-litre turbo diesel. It makes 204 horsepower and 369 pound-foot of torque, and it’s known for being able to pack on the miles.

  • The Toyota Hilux Is Cheap To Maintain

All Toyota models are easy to maintain, and the Toyota Hilux is one of them. Because the Hilux is built the way it is, and so many mechanics in Nigeria are familiar with it, keeping this truck running will not force you to break the bank. 

One of the key elements to keeping a vehicle running is proper maintenance. And if that isn’t expensive, consistently maintaining that vehicle is certainly easier. Older Hilux trucks can even be maintained with a simple tool kit for the most part.


The Toyota Hilux is a much-loved truck in Nigeria, and these three reasons are why the love and cult-like following the truck has in the country will never go away. It is even sought after more than the Tacoma and Tundra. It is Toyota’s most popular truck in Nigeria.

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