Auto News Bugatti Cars Lamborghini

“Probably ₦14.6million To Fix It”: The Moment A $2 Million Bugatti Bumped Into A Lamborghini

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This video online shows the moment a $2 million Buggati bumped into a Lamborghini while the vehicle was being driven out of the parking space.

Unfortunately, the person responsible for the incident was a valet who works at the restaurant the owner of the $2 million Bugatti was leaving. However, the damage done to the Lamborghini is on the tyre wheel that got scratched a bit.

The $2 million Bugatti suffered major damage as the rear side of the vehicle sustained some scratches that many online viewers said will cost thousands of dollars to correct. 

Here are some of the reactions to the $2 million Bugatti crashing into the Lamborghini:

@pelefrancis said: “Leave it, great warriors carry great scars and what better than to say ‘that’s from the Bugatti that crashed into me.”

@joel_rozon said: “If your too worried to scratch a car, you’re too poor to own it.”

@places_for_pleasure commented: “When you trust your treasure in someone else hands, this can happen. Do not fire him (change his position) or give him driver classes (I am not kidding.”

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