Auto News

How Ola of Lagos Spotted The Most Expensive Licensed Plate Number that costs ₦7.4 billion

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It’s almost unbelievable that you can use billions of Naira to buy one plate number, but in Dubai, anything is possible.

Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number
Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number

In a recent video shared on his Instagram page, the famous car influencer Ola of Lagos pointed out that one car with a 3-digit plate number cost $15 million.

No, it’s not the car that costs $15 million, but only the plate number itself. What does that mean? It means plate numbers are more expensive than the cars they are on.

Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number
Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number

Why do people pay for a plate number that can be used to buy 10x of the most expensive supercar?

In Dubai, expensive plate numbers are used to show class. That’s to say, only extremely wealthy people can afford this type of plate number on their cars.

Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number
Expensive Car Licensed Plate Number

There are also plate numbers that cost ₦9,200,000,000, which is about $16 million. The number on the plate is just one-digit. With that amount, you can buy as many cars and even open a car dealership in Nigeria. But, in Dubai, that’s the amount most people only spend on a car licensed plate number.

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