Auto News

Did You Know?: Lamborghini Founder Hated His Ferrari So Much, So He Built The Lamborghini

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Have you ever wondered what the story behind the Lamborghini is? The interesting thing is that the founder of Lamborghini hated his Ferrari so much, and that forced him to build the Lamborghini. That’s to say; if Ferruccio never hated the Ferrari he had, then we wouldn’t have what we now know as the Lamborghini.

  • How did it all start?
Lamborghini Founder Hated His Ferrari So Much
Lamborghini Founder Hated His Ferrari So Much

It started in 1946 after Ferruccio Lamborghini returned home after working as a mechanic for the Italian army during WW11. To support himself, he started building and selling tractors. He became so rich through his business that he bought two Ferraris and raced them.

But, the Ferraris kept breaking down, and he realised that Ferrari was using cheap parts to build the Ferrari. So, he went to the house of Enzo Ferrari to complain, the two men entered into a heated argument, and Enzo Ferrari told Ferruccio to stick to making tractors.

Ferruccio took Enzo Ferrari’s comment personally and decided to build his own brand of sports car, which resulted in the number of Lamborghini vehicles we have today. Today, the Lamborghini competes efficiently with the Ferrari, and it’s said that many will choose the Lamborghini over a Ferrari.

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