Car tips

Here’s The Important Reason Why You Shouldn’t Cross Between Two Big Trucks While Driving A Small Car

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Most small car owners are often in the business of dragging the road with big trucks. It’s a very common thing in Nigeria, and it’s done in the name of trying to overtake and be ahead of the slow-moving trucks.

It’s understandable, but without proper precaution, a small car could run into an accident while trying to overtake a big truck. This video that appeared online explains exactly what happens when you’re driving a small car and trying to overtake two big strong-headed trucks ahead of you. 

In most cases, the big trucks are usually at fault, as they switch lanes, block lanes, and make it difficult for the small cars to pass through. However, for safety reasons, it’s better to avoid trying to overtake big trucks when you realize they are making it difficult for your car to overtake them. 

Defensive driving is an essential driving technique. Despite being in the right lane, never put your vehicle in a position where you can’t protect yourself. 

While there’s a lot to be said about the arrogance of most big truck drivers, driving with caution and safety in mind while moving behind them is better than trying to struggle the road with them. Always think about & prioritize safety first!

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