Following the release of the samples of IVM Keke, there have been different speculations on the price with some posting fake prices on the internet, especially on social media. In a statement released by Innoson Group Head of Corporate Communication, Cornel Osigwe on Monday, the company debunked the prices as fake and advised prospective buyers and the general public to beware of scammers so as not to fall victim.
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According to an Academic Journal, the history of Keke as a means of transportation in Nigeria dates back to Mohammed Buba Marwa’s time as the military governor of Lagos State. He introduced tricycles as a commercial mode of transportation in the state.
The name Keke Marwa was derived from the commercial tricycle in Lagos. The word Keke is also from the Yoruba dialect of Lagos, which is the dominant language in the area. Although the popularity of the word Keke has been attributed to the implementation of the National Poverty Eradication Program, it is still not clear how it became a national symbol.
Innoson Keke Price vs Imported Keke Price
- Innoson Keke will be sold for N950,000 per unit
- Imported Keke is sold for N1,200,000 – N1, 350,000 per unit depending on the products
- Innoson Keke will be about N250,000 – N400,000 cheaper than imported Keke
What You Need to Know About IVM Keke
- Innoson Vehicles produced so far are just a few samples to test the market, and to get feedback from its end-users.
- Innoson Keke is not yet on the market
- The company will roll out its Keke in the market by August/September 2022
- The Price is not N300,000
- Price is set tentatively at N950,000
- It will be cheaper than imported ones
There used to be a time when the only means of transportation on the road used to be cars and bikes. Those days are no more because of the explosive growth of tricycles, popularly known as Keke Napep or Keke Maruwa in Nigeria. Today, Keke Napep is not only a popular means of getting around for passengers, but it’s also a lucrative business for riders.
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Popular Keke Napep brands in Nigeria
Some of the popular Keke Napep brands in Nigeria include
- Suzuki Tricycle
Suzuki is the maker of cars, bikes, and apparently, tricycles. Their products are known to be of high quality while being able to handle rough roads with ease. Although Suzuki tricycles could seem to be more expensive than other brands, their products are worth every penny spent on them.
- Piaggio Tricycle
Piaggio tricycles are also quite popular in Nigeria. And what are the most popular for? They are most popular for their efficient and minimal fuel consumption. And in a country like ours where we want to save every last penny that we can, a fuel-efficient vehicle is always welcome.
- Bajaj Tricycle
You may already be familiar with this brand. Baja is a popular manufacturer of strong and durable bikes and tricycles.
As a matter of fact, the ruggedness and durability of their products are the major reasons for their popularity in the Nigerian market.
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I will like to buy imported Keke from innoson
Sir, I want to tell you that if you can assemble your Keke here in democratic republic of congo, you will make a big profit because Keke is costly in congo. This is my contact+243900036342. Am from oraifite