Danfo Buses are popular buses in Lagos, Nigeria. Whether you’ve been to Lagos or not, there’s every chance you know about Danfo buses. Although many other smaller buses are springing up in Lagos, the Danfo Bus has continued to reign supreme for decades.

The Danfo bus is usually a Volkwagen 33 bus, also referred to as “Paragon” by some people. To identify the Danfo Bus usually comes in colors yellow and black. Yellow is the color used all through the body, while black is used to mark some strip lines across the exterior.
The bus has existed since the 1970s and is still very functional despite its rough exterior. These buses play an essential role in making transportation easier for millions of Lagosians.
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The Danfo buses carry approximately 60 to 18 passengers, depending on the size.
The Danfo bus carries a mix of characters; the gentle, the aggressive, the sleepers, and the always angry passengers. There’s no shortage of characters you’ll run into inside the Danfo, including the scammers, the liars, the preachers, the emergency sellers, and so many more.

The last thing you’ll ever find in a Danfo bus is an air conditioner, but you’ll definitely find a loudspeaker blasting music and jam some body odor.
The Danfo bus is considered one of the strongest vehicles in Lagos. This German vehicle was produced between 1979 till 2002. Practically, the Danfo has lived for over 40 years.
The question now remains, will the existence of Danfo buses ever come to an end? Also, what are the funny experiences you’ve had inside a Danfo bus? On my part, I’ve experienced both the bad and the ugly inside the Danfo. Surprisingly, I’ve also experienced some element of good inside the Danfo, but it doesn’t happen all the time. What are yours? Share with us.
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