After breaking a driving law, people behave differently. The league is known for things like denials and outright violent altercations with the arresting officer. There have been instances where people have pretended to be unaware of the posted speed limit or to be texting while driving when, in fact, they were clearly doing both.
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Numerous alternative justifications worry drivers who don’t realize the traffic legislation they just breached. Following a traffic rule violation, you shouldn’t do the following five things:
Try not to outrun the law enforcement officer
This ought to be the golden rule of traffic regulations and also a matter of common sense. After committing a driving offence, don’t try to evade the police. You’ll also put yourself in danger if you try to accomplish it. Additionally, it puts both the police and other drivers in grave danger. As a result, there have been more traffic violations and even pedestrian deaths caused by reckless drivers while being chased by police. Unfortunately, most Nigerian drivers, especially those who drive for a living, operate like this.
Avoid Distraction
When you are stopped for breaking a traffic rule, pay attention to what the traffic officer is saying. Stay focused on what the law enforcement officer is saying to you about the rule you just broke, and resist the urge to get sidetracked. You should pay greater attention to whether the traffic cop is going to fine you or let you off the hook.
Avoid Making a Stop in a Dangerous Area
Nowadays, almost all members of law enforcement and security parastatals are impersonated. Both traffic police officers and members of the armed forces are included. As a result, when you are stopped, you must ensure your safety. Only pull over in an area that is well-lit and bustling with people.
No traffic police officer will object to your trying to safeguard your safety if you do this without coming off as haughty or unpleasant.
If you believe the area of the road to be dangerous, ask the arresting officer to escort you to the nearest office or police station. Ask the traffic officers for their ID if they are wearing plain clothes or if something about them doesn’t feel right.
Don’t fight it
After breaching the law, refusing to comply with the police or other law enforcement officers only worsens your offence and increases the likelihood that you will be arrested. If overzealous Nigerian police believe you are attempting to resist arrest, they may even rough you up.
Deny any guilt
“No” is the best response to the query, “Do you know why you have been pulled over?” This inquiry aims to persuade you to confess your crime. If you try to answer by saying, “Was I speeding?” they can see that as an attempt to accuse them of ignorance of their job.
When you are stopped, keep your seatbelt in place. This is to stop the traffic cops from adding not wearing a seatbelt to the list of infractions they pulled you over for.
How To Avoid Breaking Traffic Laws
- Avoid being distracted when driving
There are numerous opportunities for this. I’ve witnessed drivers eating while they are behind the wheel, taking calls while they are driving, texting while they are driving, and some have even been caught dozing off. Although it is natural that we are just humans, driving is a high-risk activity that requires complete concentration because even the smallest error might result in a horrifying accident.
- Learn the Nigerian traffic laws and regulations
In Nigeria, there are several licensed and registered driving schools, but do they instruct students on local traffic laws and regulations? Understanding traffic laws and signage as well as knowing how to drive are two different things.
Many people mistakenly believe that driving is simply learning how to control or navigate other vehicles, but there is more to it than that. Government officials have implemented traffic laws to guarantee complete safety for all users of the road. Learning and comprehending the traffic laws that are in place in Nigeria, particularly in some areas, is crucial because doing so enables you to avoid violating Nigerian traffic laws.
Before getting on the road, always check to see that your car is in good shape. This is important because some traffic laws in Nigeria depend on you having a reliable car.
You don’t want to be a traffic offender in these times, you might get exported if you do so, so use these tips to help yourself even when you have broken traffic regulations.
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