A 32-year-old security guard named Amusu Kwami, accused of vandalising his employer’s car and stealing parts worth 1.1 million Naira, appeared before Ejigbo Magistrate’s court, Lagos, on Wednesday 3rd August.
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Kwami, whose residential address was not provided, is facing trial on a two-count charge of conspiracy and stealing labelled against him by the police.
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The prosecutor, ASP Benedict Aigbokhan, informed the court that the defendant and others at large committed the offences on July 26, at 7 am.
He pointed out that the defendant stole an unregistered Lexus RX 350 2013 model parts valued at 1.1 million, belonging to one Mrs Candid Jibie.
According to the prosecutor, the car was vandalised, and the following parts were stolen from it;
Car radio, headlamp, navigator system screen, body chrome, engine carrier and engine cover.
The prosecutor also pointed out that the car was kept under the defendant’s care, but he could not secure it.
He reminded the court that the offence contravened Sections 287 and 411 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.
However, the defendant has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
The Magistrate, Mrs A.K Dosunmu, granted the defendant bail of 300,000 Naira.
She also ordered that the defendant’s sureties must be gainfully employed and show evidence of tax payments to the Lagos State Government (LASG).
In the meantime, the case has been adjourned until Aug. 29.
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