A $1.3 million McLaren P1 was destroyed last year by a Hurricane. Now, a YouTuber has bought it and promises to spend all his money(if it gets to that) trying to fix it.

The P1 was sold to the creator called Tavarish, who has vowed to “spend every cent I have to restore it down to the last bolt.”
And the most exciting part? He’s going to share the journey on YouTube.
The bright yellow supercar made headlines when it was destroyed during the hurricane in September last year. Its then-owner, Ernie, posted photos of the car waterlogged and surrounded by junk when his Florida garage was filled with water.
Ernie then took his Instagram followers on a journey as the car was swept outside and down the street before ultimately landing on the top of a toilet in the middle of the street.
The images went viral, and the P1 became the most famous destroyed supercar in the world. Now, just months later, it’s in new hands with a bright future ahead of it.
How It Got To The Hands Of The YouTuber Tavarish
When the car was listed for sale Tavarish took to his Instagram page with a proposal saying, “if this post gets 40,000 likes, I will spend every cent I have (and borrow) to buy this McLaren P1 from Copart and restore it down to the last bolt for YouTube’s biggest car project ever,” he said.
The post got 40,000 likes. In fact, it exceeded and got 179,000 likes. And Tavarish bought the destroyed McLaren P1 for $400,000 and vowed to restore it. He also revealed the new purchase to his followers on Instagram.
It’s unknown how much it would cost to fix the McLaren P1, but the Youtuber estimates it would cost at least $400,000.