Unobvious Features: What Car Colour Should You Choose?

What Colour Car Should You Choose

What Colour Car Should You Choose

There are as many people as there are opinions. And each driver is unique in his or her view of cars. There are people who prefer to just take the first car they find, without going into much detail. It’s as if they are betting on sports at 22Bet Nigeria with their eyes closed, not knowing who to bet on, not understanding the sport, not knowing what they want in the end. They buy a car, just for the sake of the car. They are a minority, but still.

Certainly, there are people who choose the car only for its technical characteristics, not paying attention to appearance. Well, and there are those for whom the colour of the car is not less important than its technical characteristics. That’s why, nowadays, the market offers a wide range of shades. It is considered that men more often choose classical colours – black, blue, grey, white, and women – shades of red, yellow, green, or blue. But gender is not yet a verdict when choosing the colour of the car. 

We will tell you about other criteria that may help you to answer the question of what car colour to choose.

The Color of the Car and the Psycho-Type of the Driver

Psychologists have determined that the choice of auto colour is directly related to the psychological characteristics of the owner and his driving style, and gave some recommendations.

From this, it follows that it is better for irascible people to choose a car whose colour has a “cooling” effect – dark or silver. But anyway, the colour solution should be based on your feelings of comfort and safety.

The Practicality of the Car

When buying a car, it is not enough to pay attention to its shade from an aesthetic point of view. The colour of the car affects the situations on the roads differently, the degree of accidents, and also has to do with its practicality.

Choosing the shade of your car, you should properly prioritize – do you need a bright car to attract attention, which plays on safety and beauty, or are you a supporter of practicality and have no great desire to spend every evening with a rag.

Omens and superstitions

Car owners do not disregard omens and superstitions, because some of them really come true. The colour of the car is also true. The Americans consider green as the colour which brings bad luck on the road. According to statistics, it is green cars more often get into accidents.

The Australians, as well as many others, consider black cars to be the most accident-prone, and white is the safest. The red colour is said to be the one, they stop at the road police checkpoints more often. And the brown colour car itself is a talisman and warns from theft.

The general omens for purchase of the car remain invariable for a long time. Many people know that it is necessary to “mark” the purchased car. It is also believed that the car has its own mechanical soul, which means you should treat it with respect, you can even pick up a name.

It is believed that over time when the car and its owner become one, the “iron horse” can signal about the state of the driver. Thus, an overheated engine without any reason can mean the accumulated inside anger of the owner, and sweating glasses can signal possible problems with eyesight and hear or about that there is something in the life of the driver, to which he doesn’t want to pay attention.

You really meet a car by its appearance – the shape of the body, colour or degree of dirt, and its technical characteristics are taken for brains. How to choose the colour of the car – according to the zodiac sign, feng shui philosophy, giving preference to practicality or aesthetics – is everyone’s business. But to draw conclusions about the driver, based solely on the shade of his car, chosen by him, is not reasonable, but, nevertheless, some conclusions can indeed be made.

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