Simple Safety Tips For Anyone Using Lagos Buses

Simple Safety Tips For Anyone Using Lagos Buses

“Hellish” is the word anyone who lives in or has visited Lagos before would describe the public transportation system. While the general public transport in Lagos is fearful and anxiety-inducing, riding in Lagos buses comes with an extra level of caution. 

These buses are primarily painted yellow, but the number of buses in Lagos is competing to outnumber residents, so you’ll find buses in other colours. The buses are either the popularly known Danfos, Molue buses, or the mini-shuttle buses you’ll find today. 

While many Lagosians master public transport safety measures through trial and error, it’s not usually the same for Lagos first-timers. In this post, we share simple safety tips to use while using Lagos buses. 

Simple Safety Tips For Anyone Using Lagos Buses

Simple Safety Guides To Using Lagos Buses
Simple Safety Guides To Using Lagos Buses

If you live in Lagos, you probably know the drill. However, for first-timers, these tips will be helpful. Also, most Lagos residents will need this timely reminder. 

  1. Start Your Journey Early 

If you’re visiting Lagos for the first time and going to an unfamiliar location, always leave early. Although the chief reason is to avoid traffic, Lagos buses won’t move until the bus is filled up. A journey of 30 minutes might take 2 hours, not because of traffic but because the driver is either waiting to fill the bus or stopping at intervals, offloading and loading new passengers.

  1. Be Agile

Once in a while, you will struggle to get on a bus. It’s always survival of the fittest. Why do people struggle when there are a thousand buses? Price is the reason. Each bus in Lagos comes at a different price due to the number of seats. Danfo and mini shuttles share the same prices. But, Molue buses are cheaper, where the most struggle happens. 

  1. Mind Your Business

Lagos buses are a circus of their own. You’ll find and see so many things inside it. The chaos is either people throwing fists, people talking, or snoring loudly. Whichever is the case, prepare your mind for things you’d see. But, always mind your business.

  1. Keep Your Gadgets & Wallet Safe

In several cases, people inside Lagos buses have fallen prey to traffic robbers. The interesting part is that these thieves could be the person sitting behind or beside you. Always keep your gadgets and wallet inside your bag and hold them firmly. 

  1. Ensure You Have Smaller Denominations of The Naira Notes

Things can move from zero to a hundred quickly inside Lagos buses. One of the leading causes is change issues between the conductor/driver and passengers. A change could stop you from entering a bus when late, getting stopped far away from your location, or fist throwing with the conductor. Try to avoid any of these scenarios.

  1. Watch Out For Scammers

It can be a little of a challenge for first-timers to avoid scammers. It’s said that Lagos is a city of hustlers, so even the person you might be asking for locations could be a swindler. Note the type of people you ask for directions. Indeed, you’ll run into good people, but be wary of those you ask questions. 

  1. Watch Out For “One Chance” Buses

“One chance” is an everyday Nigerian slang for vehicle kidnappers. So, while in Lagos, watch out for them. Naturally, bus drivers wait to fill their buses before moving. So, watch out for private vehicles or casually moving empty buses to pick up passengers. 

  1. Choose Inner Seats

Rarely do Lagos bus drivers close their doors. The reason is usually for easy dropping and picking up of passengers. Choose inner seats when you can for safety reasons. 

  1. Shield Your Nose

There’s every possibility that the person sitting next to you is carrying fresh fish, locust beans, or it’s even an offensive odour from people’s bodies. It often feels life-threatening. Use whatever you can to shield your nose and pray to reach your bus stop sooner. 

  1. Avoid Sleeping At All Cost

The worst thing that could happen to you is sleeping inside a Lagos bus. If you’re not with anyone, avoid it altogether. Some things that could happen while you’re sleeping are theft or the driver passing your location.

  1. Remind The Conductor Of Your Destination 

As many times as possible, remind the conductor where you’re stopping. Bonus points if you’re sitting near the driver. Keep reminding them. Most of them are easily forgetful. 

  1. Make Sure The Bus Is Going Towards Your Direction

Ensure that any bus you are entering is heading in your direction. Sometimes, the Yoruba might be confusing to first-timers, and you’d mix up the locations they’re calling. Listen carefully before entering to avoid a double journey. 


Lagos public buses are chaotic. There’s no one way to have an excellent experience because they’re not designed mainly for comfort. Their function is to get to your location; therefore, every safety measure falls on you. 

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