Yet again, Nigerians have been grappling with one of the nation’s most devastating episodes of fuel price hikes. The removal of the fuel subsidy has not only affected motorists and transportation companies but it’s also affected every other Nigerian that owns a car.
As such, since Nigerians cannot do without fuel, at least until CNG becomes popular in the country, motorists and car owners have been forced to learn the best strategies for conserving and managing fuel in their vehicles.
But what are the best ways car owners in Nigeria can learn to manage their fuel to reduce the amount of money they spend on fuel? Here are some helpful tips we have gathered on how to reduce fuel consumption and save costs with your vehicle.
These helpful tips include:
1. Check the Thickness of Your Vehicle’s Engine Oil
Experts note that the quality of engine oil one uses in their car is an important factor in how cars consume fuel.
Viscosity, which is the state of being thick, sticky, and semi-fluid due to internal friction of the car engine, does also determine fuel consumption. If one’s car uses engine oil that is not the recommended type for his car or is of less grade at a certain temperature, the engine pistons and crankshafts move less freely and add more loads to the engine, and eventually consume more fuel.
2. Avoid Purchasing Adulterated Fuel
Due to anxiety and the need to cut the cost of fuel prices, most people run to the black market to buy fuel. This can be a deadly idea as most black market fuels are adulterated with harmful substances. Adulterated fuel doesn’t burn properly and requires copious amounts to move the car. That will lead to unprecedented fuel consumption.
3. Driving with Air Conditioner (AC) below 80KM/H
Most Nigerians do not know that driving with the air conditioner on at a speed below 80 km/H adds an extra load to the engine, hence increasing the fuel consumption of the vehicle. If you drive above 100 km/H, you are likely to consume less fuel; research has shown.
4. Avoid Expired or Poorly Inflated Tyres
Vehicle tires have four major functions, which include supporting vehicle weight, transferring traction and braking forces on the road surface, and absorbing road shocks.
If tires are worn out or poorly inflated, they lose their grip or traction, hence increasing resistance which adds more load to the engine and causes fuel consumption. Always check your tires and make sure they are in good shape.
5. Check Leakage in Exhaust
Leakages in exhaust ports or manifolds affect the combustion process of a vehicle, hence improper emission of fuel that leads to high consumption. This will also slow the engine performance and even cause damage.
6. Only Drive When You Need To
This tip is more of a practice on how to use your vehicle to save fuel. Considering the insane price of fuel in Nigeria today, it’s best to know when or when not to drive your car. If it’s not necessary, leave your car at home, as it saves you fuel that could be used in moments of emergency or when you most need it.
Cushioning the blow of the insane hike in the price of fuel in Nigeria has been a nightmare for many car owners in Nigeria. However, extreme times call for extreme measures. Practising these tips above helps you regulate the amount of fuel your vehicle consumes and how often you purchase fuel.