A car’s primary responsibility is the movement of goods and people from one place to another, but one other fact to know is that the kind of car you drive defines your personality. The car you drive gives First impressions and conveys a lot of information, most of which is unsaid. One of the most common indicators is physical appearance.
It is believed that a person who often wears a business suit is part of the cooperate world or could be having a blind date with someone. The examples above show how physical appearance speaks on a person’s behalf, and so also is the case of cars. People can also tell a lot by a person’s personal possessions, such as the type of car they drive.
Here are 6 things your car says about you;
Drive a Three-Row Minivan? You Love a Crowd
While some cars are beautiful in all shades, they can only contain a few people. It isn’t the convenience, safety, or storage space that makes the minivan the ultimate mom-mobile (although that helps!) but rather the sheer number of kids you can pack into those things. Families will prefer to go for cars that can accommodate quite a number of persons rather than one that can only accommodate 2 persons. Driving a minivan speaks that you are a lover of people and there’s enough space for everybody, someone who likes going to events and gatherings, with friends and family, whilst also carting along with sports equipment/family pets/kegs of beer.
Drive an SUV? Safety is a Top Concern
One of the many features of an SUV is its safety features. SUVs literally dominate the roadway, taking up more space than most cars, and lifting the driver up higher than everyone else. Combine that with the fact that they’re often used to taking children around. Driving SUVs speaks of someone who’s very worried about being safe if they end up in an accident (safety-conscious individual).
Got an Exotic Car Freshener? Individuality is Very Important to You
While some cars smell so nice the reverse is the case for some others. There are just about as many car scents as there are people, and the one you choose to fill your car with can say something about your personality. Whether you love the outdoors, wish you were on the beach, or dream of drying your laundry in the sunshine, manufacturers have designed these scents to play into your sense of individuality. Getting an exotic car freshener speaks of your sense of individuality.
Luxury: Driven By Overpaid Entertainers
Some time ago, only royalty and the business elite would own a luxury vehicle. This was a car that told the world someone important was inside, and that would be the very core of the nature of the person in it: (self-) important, satisfied, comfort-seeking. But with the celebrity culture that smothers the developed world in a blanket of mediocrity, suffocating those underneath with an unstoppable tidal wave of real-life tat and manufactured cacophony, it seems the luxury car has been roundly abused by the egotistical, the selfish, and the pampered. But even the staunchest socialist espousing financial equality would soon exchange his grey overcoat for a BMW 3 Series or Mercedes-Benz E-Class. Driving a luxury car speaks of someone with great car inflow.
Does Trash Spill Out Every Time You Open the Door? You’re a Multi-Tasker
The physical appearance of your car says a lot about you, If your car is overrun with junk mail, food wrappers, pop cans, old socks, and other detritus it could be a physical manifestation of your mental state. The way you maintain your car, inside and out, gives some insight into your personality, if it’s a mess then you may be telling others that you’re scattered, super-busy, a slob, or don’t care about health and cleanliness.
Have a Political Bumper Sticker? You’re Outspoken
Placing a political bumper sticker on your car is an easy way to share your political views.
Final Notes
Your car does the speaking, be mindful of what message you pass with the car you drive.