I can still remember how I felt after my first heartbreak. It was terrible to say the least.
But that is nothing compared to what anyone will feel when your super expensive limited version of a car is stolen. Nothing can feel worse. It will be the last thing on your mind before going to bed and the first thing you think of as soon as you rise. One might even dream about it. That’s how bad it can get.
Research has shown that older car models are easier to steal. This is due to their weak or outdated anti theft system. That is if they even have an anti theft system in place.
However, in recent times, car manufacturers have made amazing strides in beefing up car models with incredible anti theft systems. In Fact some of the latest anti theft systems make some cars impossible to steal. Yes!! I said impossible because with the latest technological advancements in car security systems in place, even if they are stolen, they can be easily traced and recovered.
One might wonder; what then happens to the phrase “nothing is impossible” if this feat is impossible? Here is my answer to that: Just as automobile manufacturers and stakeholders spend so much time and resources in research, some car thieves also spend the same to come up with new tricks that will be used to bypass the latest technologies.
It might shock you to know that there are some people who will do all they can to steal “The Beast” just for bragging rights. Yeah, that is the world we live in.
However, a lot of people have been wondering and asking if truly there are cars that cannot be stolen. This is the reason http://carmart.ng has dug out a lot of information through several hours of research in order to bring to your knowledge the list of cars that any professional car thief will find difficult to steal due to their advanced anti-theft systems.
Here is a list of cars that no car thief in his or her right senses will attempt to steal.
Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster
The Tesla Roadster is currently floating somewhere in space on its way to Mars. The only possible way this car would get stolen is if it is abducted by aliens. Talk about how to make a car impossible to steal? Just send it to space. That is exactly what Elon Musk did. So for anybody out there who wants to steal this “Starman” for whatever reason, try your hardest and it is all yours.
Google Self-driving Car
Imagine a car made by one of the biggest technology firms in the world. A firm that can almost tell the current location of every one of the world’s population. You can tell without a shadow of doubt that it will be almost impossible to steal that car. The fact that it is even a self driving car makes it even more difficult since it can recognize its owner. The “WAYMO” as it is called is equipped with all round motion sensors and cameras. This feature alone makes it almost impossible for a car thief to come anywhere close without being filmed. Perhaps the only car thief that can steal the WAYMO must be a computer hacking genius.
Tesla Model S
Tesla has a 100% recovery rate of stolen vehicles, thanks in part to its remarkable GPS tracking technology. The recovery of stolen Teslas is notable in an industry where the overall recovery rate for stolen vehicles was just 58.4% in 2016. Why would anyone want to steal a car that can be monitored by the owner using a smartphone? And the best part of it is that whenever anyone tries to hack the system or disconnect the tracker, a signal is sent directly to Tesla
Knight XV
It was love at first sight when I watched the movie “Fast and Furious” and the “Knight XV” was driven by Dwayne Johnson. I immediately searched Google for the cost of the car and was shocked when I saw a whopping $800,000. Ok, it is one of my nice-to-haves. At that price tag, the Knight XV becomes one of the most expensive SUVs in the world and it is definitely worth the price. The Knight XV is bulletproof from the body to the glass. Even an RPG missile couldn’t destroy a Knight XV. Additionally, there are cameras mounted on every corner of the Knight XV, making it almost impossible for any thief or hijacker to sneak in without being spotted.
1965 Shelby Daytona Coupe
There are only six of these cars in the entire universe. All the original owners of this car were registered. This alone makes it less of a target for car thieves. The 1965 Shelby Daytona Coupe isn’t like every Tom, Dick, and Harry automobile on the road. This is one of the few classic cars that are so rare that stealing it would be like shooting yourself in the foot. Unless you want to get caught or dig a hole and hide this vehicle, there’s no way a stolen 1965 Shelby Daytona Coupe can be driven in the streets without tripping off a red alarm.